Our Mission

Reznik Focus Solutions Logo

Reznik Focus Center's mission is very near and dear to my heart.

We exist to improve Quality of Life, bringing HOPE with our IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback, helping to optimiZe you, and your loved ones.

"After the sudden and tragic illness then loss of my husband Dr. Billy J Spruill in Summer 2021, I was deeply stuck in grief...not moving...just frozen. I compassionately received two IASIS MCN sessions from Lisa Hill, RN, FNP, ICP of Hill Family Wellness in Dec 2021. After a couple of sessions, I returned home to be greeted by my fur-babies and felt JOY instead of 'just something else I have to take care of and pay for." Questioning if this 'soft shift' was really an effect of the IASIS MCN sessions, I awoke the next morning from an especially restful sleep to notice the amazing colors of a West Texas sunrise---I had unknowingly been seeing the world in monochromatic tones for months.

The IASIS MCN sessions restored some balance to my chronically heightened FIGHT-or-FLIGHT sympathetic system, allowing REST-and-DIGEST to emerge from my suppressed parasympathetic system.

Trauma and pain are rampant in this broken world of reactive culture, leaving many frozen, exhausted, and dwindling in hope. With IASIS MCN sessions, I decreased and then eventually stop the medications I started after my husband went to Heaven (with prescriber oversight). I was able to move forward in a healthy grief journey, my emotionally frayed fabric sealing back together. I carry the scars of trauma and loss with me instead of these emotional scars tethering me in place. My own empowering experience and that of my family is WHY I am driven in this business."

-Mikala Reznik, PT, DPT, ICP

This is why the Reznik Focus Center team is very excited to bring IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback to the area. We want to spread the feeling that I was able to feel. If you think IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback could work for you, book an appointment online today.

Where We're Located

1508 N Grandview Ave, Odessa, TX 79761, USA

Location & Hours

1508 N Grandview Ave | Suite 5 | Odessa, TX 79761

(432) 888-9070


Facebook & Instagram: @reznikfocus

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Same day appointments available

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We focus on natural, safe, and effective treatments for the mind & body.

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DISCLAIMER: This website does not contain medical advice. IASIS Neurofeedback, rather, the IASIS MCN device is indicated for relaxation training and muscle reeducation and prescription use consistent with 21 C.F.R. section 882.5050.” A biofeedback device is an instrument that provides a visual or auditory signal corresponding to the status of one or more of a patient’s physiological parameters (e.g., brain alpha wave activity, muscle activity, skin temperature, etc.) so that the patient can control voluntarily these physiological parameters; and a prescription battery powered device that is indicated for relaxation training and muscle reeducation and prescription use. The information, including but not limited to text, videos, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge about IASIS Neurofeedback. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you believe you have a medical condition, please first, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Never self-medicate or choose to discontinue taking medicine without discussing your medical care with your doctor.